
Cyberoccultism will be the detachment from the social culture around occultism today. I'm not sure exactly about its implementation, but it will be a new use for technology that might not be widely known. Viral videos and the such, for example, make way for social trends, which also affect the structure of the way that we think. Its a generalisation if anything else, but I think that occult practices through the internet can impact the society at large. I'm interested in changing the way people think.

Today I had a nap that left me feeling completely relaxed. i felt everything. Time felt like it wasnt even passing. It was 100% quiet, except for the hum of the blank TV and the sound of my partner's breathing. I remember now that it has been a while since I really kept a journal about my occult practices. Its time to start that again.

I need to finish reading Initiation into Hermeticism. I was meaning to read it through, but I lost interest in a lot of my occult studies when my school studies got in the way. I'm hoping I have more to write about tomorrow.